Can the unsexy cook???

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So, I've been feeling/dressing pretty blah lately, and the more I look at clothes online, the smaller the amount in my bank account gets. :(

So what to blog about?? I dunno, but I made a "healthy" (in quotes because I don't know if it's actually healthy, I'm just assuming) and easy chicken meal the other day that'll trick any man/woman into thinking you're a great cook. In my book, I call that faking sexiness. Perfect for my blog!!

Just for the record, I'm just blogging about the chicken part. The rest of the meal is up to you. Sorry, I'm not a super chef. Also, this chicken marinade isn't just for chicken. You can use it for fish as well.

Ingredients for marinade:
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon parsley
1 clove minced garlic
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
Mix together the marinade and pour it into a gallon ziplock bag. If you can't tell it's going to be good just by the smell of the marinade, you're crazy.

Add your meat in the ziplock bag.
mmmmmm raw meat!

Let the meat marinade for at least an hour. You can marinade it overnight if it's easier as well.

Preheat the oven at 350 degrees Farenheit (or you can use a grill. I, unfortunately, do not own a grill, so oven it is!!)

I like to lay my meat down on a cookie sheet with foil on it, to make cleanup easier. Obviously if you're grilling, you'd have to come up with a different method. Just be careful that the oil doesn't drip . . . . Lets just say I had a "fire-y" moment one time. . . . But I accidentally had the broiler on, so . . . . lets not be as dumb as me. . . . .

I also like pouring the leftover marinade on top, as you can tell from my greasy chicken breasts.
Stick it in the oven for about 20-30 minutes or until the chicken is white in the middle
Make your sides: In this instance I made steamed veggies (the kind you buy at the grocery store where you poke holes in a bag and nuke), frozen corn and rice. I can totally cook.

Wake up passed out boyfriend.And serve!
mmmmm. . . . Delicious and Nutritious, not to mention Easy!


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